Friday, August 1, 2008

The Dark Seldarine: Rillifane Rallathil

If Corellon Larethian is both king and prince of the Dark Seldarine, Rillifane Rallathil is the Green Regent. After Corellon, he is the most venerated of the elven deities, both lord of and at one with the ancient forests and his special charges, the wood elves.

Like an oak that has had a spike driven into it, Dark Rillifane is an old, gnarled, and bitter deity. At his best, he was Nature—cold, remote, and wild. But the assaults on his forests by men and humanoids have quite literally poisoned him, and his character has become actively malicious and evil in turn. Even wood elves are not immune from his hatred, should they grow careless. Rillifane is the natural world turned xenophobic and reactive: the root that bores through your walls, the wolf that terrorizes your penned sheep, the deadfall that crushes the unwary lumberjack. If you have ever stared into a thorny thicket with the uneasy certainty that some…thing…was staring were right.

While Rillifane is enthusiastically worshipped by wood elves (and elves in general), their prayers resemble that of unwanted guests asking their host for yet another favor; they know Rillifane too well to expect more than grudging guidance and protection. The Green Regent prefers instead the company of treants, plant creatures, and the most ancient animals.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil (formerly Chaotic Neutral)
Cleric Alignment: CE, CN, NE
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Evil, Plant, Protection
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff

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